Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Black Week

I swear everyone in town decided this was the week to euthanize. We did a house call and the guy's girlfriend decided to do her dog at the same time. The kids were hysterically bawling and we had to deal with not one but two. It seems no matter how we steel ourselves it never gets easier. Then we got back to the clinic to euth a cat with very aggressive mouth cancer. Today we had 4 booked euths, 2 drop offs and 5 enquiries. The hardest was a collie with bladder cancer. We have had so much contact with her over the past few weeks. I even took blood from her myself for our log books. (we don't do jugular venipuncture on dogs due to the risks at our clinic so it's hard to get my tasks in) I'm so glad I have the next couple of days off!!!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

In the Darkest Depth

So, I've been trying to figure out a way to rig up an incubator (for when I get my micro kit). I ruled out the fish tank since I don't want to fry my babies, they're used to a steady 25 not 35. I don't own an electric heating pad...I prefer hot water bottles which won't keep an even temperature. Hmmmm.....I was wondering about this conundrum when my boss pipes up "We have an incubator." What??? We do??? So we ventured into the back closet, past the ancient cattle birthing equipment, past the 1920's torture instruments, past the dust and cobwebs and low and incubator!!!! I cleaned off the inch of dust bunnies...we DON'T treat that kind of rabbit at my clinic, and got it all set up. I'm excited to try it out tomorrow to see if it still works!!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

My Moxie

The photo I've posted is of my 3 yr old Jack 'Moxie'. With upcoming Dental Health Month, I thought her smiling face showing her pearly whites would be fun!!! I not only do everything at work; reception, assist on everything in the back and lab stuff, I also am in charge of clinic displays. This year I'm putting up a Smile Wall where we'll post before and afters of all our dentals (with client approval). Looking forward to the response!!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Getting started

I'm still nervous about this, I will post most of my thoughts on disc brd, but as you all say, gotta try new things...but if I get hacked or hijacked or and other "ack" you all owe me!!!! LOL