Thursday, January 8, 2009

My Moxie

The photo I've posted is of my 3 yr old Jack 'Moxie'. With upcoming Dental Health Month, I thought her smiling face showing her pearly whites would be fun!!! I not only do everything at work; reception, assist on everything in the back and lab stuff, I also am in charge of clinic displays. This year I'm putting up a Smile Wall where we'll post before and afters of all our dentals (with client approval). Looking forward to the response!!!


  1. I love the idea of a wall of fame for healthy teeth, great PR! You definitely have to be able to multitask Melanie. I look forward to hearing about the response to your smile wall! Carolynne

  2. The smile wall is a great idea! I look forward to hearing how it goes. It sounds like you have a busy couple weeks ahead of you. We did something similar last year with senior pet month. We put write ups and pictures up of some of our succesful senior pet patients (diabetes, hyperthyroid etc.)..with permission from the owners of course. Ours was very succesful. Best of luck this semester.


  3. That is a great idea for a wall! I wish we had time to do that here. We started an education board in our waiting room, but it was just too time consuming for us to keep up this!

    Great idea though!!

